Step 1: Log Into Navistream
A username (email address) and password were provided in your 'Welcome to Navistream' email
Use that information to log into the Navistream web portal -
If you do not have that information please contact
Step 2: Add Users
Click on Administration at the top
Click on Users under resources. Either on the left side panel, or middle of the page
Click on Create a New User on the top right
- Select either 'New Driver' or 'New Support User' depending on who the account is for
Fill out the web form with the Driver / Support user information. Be sure to create a unique username that nobody else using Navistream has.
Add Memberships and roles to the user if needed
Memberships show who a driver works/drives for if you have multiple Organizational Units within your company hierarchy
Each membership requires one or more roles associated to it
Only users with the role of Driver can log into the tablet in a vehicle
A full breakdown of roles is included as a separate document. See User Role Access/Permissions
Click on Create User/Driver in the top right when finished
Note: For full How to Add User Guide please click here
Step 3: Add Vehicles
Click on Administration at the top
Click on Vehicles under resources. Either on the left side panel, or middle of the page
Click on Create a New Vehicle on the top right
Assign the vehicle a unique Vehicle ID - usually will match your truck’s name in the fleet
Fill out the vehicle information including make, model and license plate if you wish
Select which of your Organizational Units manages this truck (There may only be one option to select from)
Click Create Vehicle on the top right to finish
Note: For full How to Add Vehicle Guide please click here