Creating or editing an existing speed limit is a function available to users with Super Administrator or Administrator roles in your organization’s Navistream web client.

A speed limit does not physically limit the speed a driver may operate their vehicle.

Instead, this is a tool that you can use to alert the driver when they are going above a certain speed threshold.

Drivers across the organization will be notified if they above the speed limit however, only the admin users can create or edit existing speed limit.

A speed limit is important in order to prevent speed-related crashes, and reduces vehicle emissions ultimately leading to improved road safety, better fuel economy, and less air pollution.

Follow the steps below to create or edit an existing speed limit:

  1. Log into the website with a user account that has Super Administrator privileges

  2. Click on Administration at the top of the page

  3. Click on Speed Limit under configuration. Either on the left side panel, or middle of the page

  4. You can set the default speed limit for all your organizations by clicking the edit defaults button in the upper right-hand corner

  5. You can set the speed limit for a specific organization by clicking the edit button beside the organization name.
  6. Set the speed limit to your preferred speed and click save.

*This is what BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has to say regarding Speed Limits: